I've been interested in working in the property market for a long time. I received my estate agent license No. 11761 from the then Minister of Infrastructure in 2009. But then the time had not yet come...
The Ministry has deregulated the estate agent profession, and exclusive contract work – in my view, the most effective for both client and agent – has been lost somewhere in the crowd of quasi-advisors. Maybe I’ve read “Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad Poor Dad”, as he says the following about the power of good advice:
”Sometimes I see people posting a sign in front of their house that says, ‘For sale by owner’. Or I see people on TV claiming to be ‘discount brokers’. My rich dad taught me the opposite approach. He believed in paying professionals well, and I do too. Today, I have expensive accountants, attorneys, real estate brokers, and stockbrokers. Why? Because if, and I do mean if, the people are professionals, their services will make me money. And the more money they make, the more money I make".